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Sermon Delivery Grading Matrix

Download the file below (This file is for Preaching 1, Preaching 2 and Proclaiming the Good News)

Sermon Review Form

Download the file below (This file is for Preaching 1, Preaching 2 and Proclaiming the Good News)

Session 1 - Patricia Weerakoon

Watch in HD here:

Watch the video in SD below.

Session 2 - Keith Farmer

Watch in HD here:

Watch the video in SD below.

Setting up a Zoom Session

Zoom sessions are managed by ACOM's Moodle Team. Once you know when you would like to host your session, email with the time and date (bearing in mind all sessions are set to AEDT/AEST). 

The Moodle Team will then set up your session and provide links in Moodle. Once the session is set up, it's always a good idea to let your students know  the time and date, and to send them a link to Zoom (provided by the Moodle Team) with your notification.

Sign up to Perlego

New Students

As an ACOM student, you have the opportunity to join our free online library service, Perlego, for the time you are studying with us.

Perlego is a subscription-based online library that provides unlimited access to 300,000+ academic and professional books from renowned publishers. With Perlego, you can personalise your readings, share your learnings, and on the mobile app download your content offline and have a full library in your pocket, always accessible. Their Bible, Theology and general Christian literature holdings run to over 32,000 volumes with more added all the time, making the service quite a useful resource for us.  For some ACOM units your readings will be linked directly to Perlego and some textbooks may also be found in the online library.  You can learn more about Perlego in the video below: 


You will need to create your own account by following the below steps to get access:

  1. To log in click on this link to Perlego.  You must use this link. 
  1. Sign up by using ACOM’s unique registration code: 2BOGDMPlease make sure that you use the same name and email address as your Moodle contact as these addresses will be cross-referenced to ensure only ACOM students are signing up.  
  1. Start reading! 


Continuing Students

If you have already signed up for Perlego you can continue using your login details to access the library.

If you have any issues please contact Moodle at

Some of my older units have disappeared, why?

Units with past end dates are displayed in a separate tab under “My Courses”, listed by year. As our Moodle site has limited storage some units in years past will be archived and be made unavailable. If you require a record of studies you can request one from our Registrar.

Spiritual Formation Handbook

The Spiritual Formation Handbook gives an overview of the unit and the expectations of the people involved.

Starting Well: Key things to do as you start your Trimester

See below for the on-demand version of the Study Skills session: Starting Well


Student Development Chart

This is the Student Development Chart. It will be a good idea to download the file and read through the instructions before the year begins. It will be a part of the end of year interview conducted between a student and their Formation Director.

The Student Development Chart Areas document is designed to give you a framework as you think about the areas of growth that should be developed or focussed on throughout the year.

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